Fleet Evolution is a B2B company that provides company car schemes, but instead of offering standard lease options, Fleet Evolution has created a salary sacrifice car scheme for electric vehicles. Choosing to champion greener cars and the salary sacrifice scheme they offer gives companies the option to offer reduced tax savings to employees whilst encouraging a greener future.
The goal was simple, they wanted to rank higher for the phrase ‘Salary Sacrifice Cars’, and be on page one.
Their trophy phrase is ‘Salary Sacrifice Cars’ which they ranked on page 3 of Google for; however, with their service differing from much of the competition, they wanted to rank higher to get more coverage to their green initiative. After meeting Adam Collins, CEO of Ignite SEO, at a seminar he was holding, they opted to try SEO as a way to promote natural traffic growth to their site. Their goal was simple, they wanted to rank higher for the phrase ‘Salary Sacrifice Cars’, and be on page one. Here is what happened with this B2B SEO case study:
After deciding to opt-in for an in-depth SEO health audit when meeting Adam, the team at Ignite SEO did a deep dive on the Fleet Evolution site to reveal that their online presence was suffering from some very fundamental issues that made it impossible to rank at the level they wanted to. As well as some technical issues, the site lacked a solid foundation of links.
With the majority of Fleet Evolutions competition coming from large authority sites such as Tesla and RAC, we had to take a highly focussed approach that would build international public relations to make Fleet Evolution the authority Google needed.
We recommended our 12-week fast track to them, a special strategy that aims to fix a site’s technical aspects whilst providing SEO fundamentals such as links, content, keyword research, and other aspects needed to make your site search engine optimised. We found that they had 500+ cruft pages (low quality or duplicate pages) that drove no traffic to the site, so we knew in these 12-weeks we needed to clean up the site, merge pages, and improve the most valuable pages. With the majority of Fleet Evolutions competition coming from large authority sites such as Tesla and RAC, we had to take a highly focussed approach that would build international public relations to make Fleet Evolution the authority Google needed.
To achieve the campaign goals we had to avoid the more common scatter gun approach, instead, we did a highly targeted content strategy that revolved around pushing authority towards the salary sacrifice blog posts to help establish the trophy keyword better in Google. We optimised the homepage and prioritised the blog content to create a funnel system of links. Alongside this tailored strategy, we also implemented the more common tactics of building links, creating a social fortress, and technical fixes like page speed and http fixes. We removed over 500 pages that were taking up valuable crawl budget, we fixed redirection issues, compressed imagery, and we developed a caching solution to increase the page speed. We also improved the content on existing pages with NLP keywords, headings, and entities.
This was all done in only 12-weeks and it was delivered on time and on budget, but what did the metrics show? How effective was this 12-week plan? When we met with Fleet Evolution, to discuss the final conclusion of this strategy we were happy to show them that their site had achieved what we set out to achieve and much more. The trophy phrase ‘Salary Sacrifice Cars’, which Fleet Evolution wanted us to focus on, jumped up over 31 positions taking it to page one above the competition. Our idea to change the strategy slightly meant that Fleet Evolution overtook sites such as Tesla and RAC in only 12-weeks.
286% increase in organic visits to the site over a 30-day comparison, to put that in perspective that saw their 2466 monthly visits go to 9598 visits with just a 12-week strategy. We also saw a 159% increase in goal completions, which went from 179 to 464.
This rank resulted in a 286% increase in organic visits to the site over a 30-day comparison, to put that in perspective that saw their 2466 monthly visits go to 9598 visits with just a 12-week strategy. We also saw a 159% increase in goal completions, which went from 179 to 464. As a result, what can clearly be seen from these results, is that a lot can be achieved in only 12-weeks, but more importantly, the foundations that were established created a site that is susceptible to further SEO strategies more effectively and easily. Meaning, rather simply, Fleet Evolution now have the building blocks and fixes required to continue utilising SEO strategies to further success. Fleet Evolution chose to carry on with our services because of the great success of the 12-week plan, and now we are working to create a long-term strategy that will maintain the improvements seen and improve upon further pages, phrases, links, and content.
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